Sermorelin vs. CJC-1295 | A Comprehensive Comparison

Last Updated February 15, 2024

 February 15, 2024

Interested in a detailed comparison of sermorelin vs. CJC-1295 based on clinical data? Then this is the right place.

In this detailed guide, we'll delve into both of these two powerful research peptides, shedding light on their potential advantages in areas such as:

  • Growth hormone stimulation
  • Muscle growth
  • Cellular repair
  • Abdominal fat loss

Continue reading to uncover up-to-date clinical findings on the two peptides’ mechanisms, structural differences, potential side effects, and more.

Additionally, we'll introduce our top-rated source for research peptides, including both sermorelin and CJC-1295.

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Disclaimer: contains information about products that are intended for laboratory and research use only, unless otherwise explicitly stated. This information, including any referenced scientific or clinical research, is made available for educational purposes only. Likewise, any published information relative to the dosing and administration of reference materials is made available strictly for reference and shall not be construed to encourage the self-administration or any human use of said reference materials. makes every effort to ensure that any information it shares complies with national and international standards for clinical trial information and is committed to the timely disclosure of the design and results of all interventional clinical studies for innovative treatments publicly available or that may be made available. However, research is not considered conclusive. makes no claims that any products referenced can cure, treat or prevent any conditions, including any conditions referenced on its website or in print materials.

What is Sermorelin?

Sermorelin, known by its chemical name as GRF 1-29, is a synthetic analog of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH). Comprising 29 amino acids, sermorelin is a truncated and amidated (at the C-terminus) version of endogenous GHRH, itself made up of 44 amino acids [1, 2].

Specifically, sermorelin is the smallest GHRH fragment and possesses the bioactive sequence responsible for evoking the secretion of growth hormone (GH) from the anterior pituitary gland [1, 2].

The peptide works to stimulate the release of GH in a manner similar to endogenous GHRH. This release of GH plays a crucial role in growth, metabolism, and cellular proliferation.

Sermorelin was first patented and marketed in 1990 by German pharmaceutical company Merck Serono (EMD Serono in the United States and Canada) under the brand name Geref. It was formulated for two different indications. The two formulations were [3, 4]:

  • 0.05mg sermorelin acetate for intravenous injection, approved in 1990 by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a diagnostic agent for growth hormone deficiency (GHD).
  • 0.5 and 1mg sermorelin acetate for subcutaneous injection, which was FDA approved in 1997 for therapy in children with idiopathic short stature.

The peptide has also been extensively studied for its potential effects in adults, administered either as once-daily or twice-daily subcutaneous injection [5].

EMD Serono discontinued the product and its FDA approval was withdrawn due to difficulties in the manufacturing and marketing processes unrelated to its safety or effectiveness [4, 6].

The peptide is currently available for educational and experimental purposes and may be legally purchased by qualified professionals for laboratory experimentation.

Sermorelin vs CJC-1295

What is CJC-1295?

CJC-1295, also known as modified GRF 1-29 with DAC or DAC:GRF, is a modified version of sermorelin. The primary goal of these modifications was to improve the half-life of sermorelin, which is about 10 minutes [6].

The amino acid structure of GRF 1-29 was modified at four different positions to improve its resistance to hydrolysis and oxidation. Importantly, L-alanine was replaced with D-alanine at the 2nd position, which increased the peptide’s resistance to an enzyme called dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4). DPP-4 is a major enzyme responsible for deactivating peptides [7].

Due to these modifications, CJC-1295 no DAC is also known as tetrasubstituted or modified GRF 1-29, and has a three-fold longer half-life compared to sermorelin.

In addition, CJC-1295 can also be modified with the drug affinity complex (DAC), which improves the molecule's pharmacokinetics. The attachment is also known as N-epsilon-3-maleimidopropionamide and is attached to the N-terminus of the peptide.

With this complex, CJC-1295 DAC has increased affinity to plasma proteins, prolonging its half-life to about eight days [8].

CJC-1295 was developed by the Canadian company ConjuChem Biotechnologies as a potential treatment for lipodystrophy in HIV/AIDS patients.

Individuals with lipodystrophy have abnormal body fat distribution, such as depleted fat levels in the face and the extremities, while also having increased amounts of abdominal and intraorgan (visceral) fat. It occurs in HIV/AIDS as a side effect of antiviral treatment.

CJC-1295 reached phase-2 trials, but experiments were halted due to a myocardial infarction in one of the HIV/AIDS patients treated after the 11th CJC-1295 dose [9, 10].

While it was ruled unlikely that the event was related to the peptide, the investigators decided to halt any future trials. Thus, the peptide has not been approved for human use and is currently available for research use in laboratory settings.

CJC-1295 vs. Sermorelin | Comprehensive Comparison

Both CJC-1295 and sermorelin are 29 amino acid peptide analogs of GHRH, activating the corresponding receptors in the anterior pituitary gland to stimulate the synthesis of GH.

Yet, the two peptides differ significantly in their half-life, resulting in different GH responses following administration.

Physiological GH secretion occurs in pulses, which can reach about 10ng/ml in men and 14ng/ml in women [11]. Both CJC-1295 and sermorelin appear to increase GH levels produced during pulses without causing the hormone to reach supraphysiological levels. Pulse frequency remains unaffected.

Here are some of the most interesting studies regarding the GH-boosting potential of each peptide:

  • CJC-1295 has been administered to healthy young and middle-aged study volunteers as a single dose, ranging between 30mcg/kg and 250mcg/kg of body weight. The peptide increased total GH levels while preserving pulsatile secretion, and peak levels remained within physiological limits. A 60mcg/kg dose led to a roughly 150% increase in mean GH levels.
  • A single 250mcg/kg dose led to an over 300% increase in GH AUC. The 60mcg/kg dose was also tested as a biweekly dosage (applied twice in 14 days), and the protocol led to a sustained increase in mean GH levels by the 28th day [12].
  • CJC-1295, injected as a single injection in another study, was effective at increasing GH even one week after application in 20-40 y.o. men. Study authors reported that the mean (12-hour) GH levels, measured seven days after peptide injection, were 46% higher than mean pretreatment levels [13].
  • Sermorelin was studied over six weeks in 11 elderly males receiving 2mg/daily as subcutaneous injections. This treatment boosted the volunteers’ mean GH levels by 82%, as indicated by AUC measurements. Elevated GH concentrations remained for about two hours after each injection [14].
  • Sermorelin as a twice-daily injection (morning and evening) for four weeks led to a significant increase in GH levels in young and elderly men. More specifically, 2mg/daily sermorelin helped elderly subjects achieve a 64% increase in GH AUC, attaining GH levels similar to those in young, untreated, healthy males. The 4-hour GH AUC was higher following the evening injection compared to the morning injection [15].

Benefits of Sermorelin

Sermorelin exerts its benefits by increasing GH synthesis. For example, higher GH levels increase lipolysis (the release of fat from fat cells).

The hormone primarily targets the fatty tissues around the abdomen; therefore, higher GH levels may help to significantly reduce visceral and belly fat [16]. Unfortunately, there are no clinical trials beyond 16 weeks of sermorelin therapy, and the data do not show any significant fat loss within this timeframe [5].

In addition, GH stimulates the production of an anabolic hormone called insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which mediates GH's anabolic effects, such as the potential for lean body mass increase.

By upregulating GH production, sermorelin also leads to an increase in IGF-1 levels. The longest and most notable clinical trial on sermorelin's anabolic potential lasted 16 weeks and included 19 elderly subjects receiving 10mcg/daily [17].

Here are the most notable findings as reported by the researchers [17]:

  • Increased IGF-1 levels. The peptide led to a 107% increase in GH AUC and a 28% increase in mean IGF-1 levels in the treated men. The GH increases in women were slightly lower, equal to +70% for GH AUC and a 27% increase in IGF-1 levels. These levels are comparable to those observed in healthy young adults.
  • Lean mass gains. The male subjects in the study gained +2.78lb (+1.26kg) lean mass during the study period. Yet, there was no effect on the female participants. Nevertheless, nitrogen retention was increased in both sexes, indicating the peptide’s anabolic potential.
  • Skin cell proliferation. Skin thickness increased in both the male and female subjects. This indicates that the increase in GH was accompanied by increased proliferation of collagen-producing skin cells such as fibroblasts.

Benefits of CJC-1295

Currently, only one clinical trial has administered CJC-1295 for longer than 14 days. This was the aforementioned 12-week trial in HIV/AIDS patients with lipodystrophy that was discontinued, and its data were never published [9, 10].

Shorter trials, which have lasted up to two weeks, are of insufficient length to report any effects of CJC-1295 on weight loss or muscle mass.

Instead, we turn to preclinical studies employing CJC-1295 in GHD mice. GHD is known to cause growth failure, low lean mass, and increased abdominal obesity.

Here are the most notable results reported by one such preclinical study in mice with artificially induced GHD due to genetic modifications and lack of GHRH synthesis [18]:

  • Improved growth and lean body weight. Test animals with GHD had about 20% lower lean body weight than the norm and could not reach normal body length or weight. Daily administration of CJC-1295 led to normalization of lean body weight.
  • Body fat and visceral fat reduction. Test animals with GHD suffered from visceral obesity, which increases the risk of metabolic conditions. The administration of CJC-1295 normalized visceral fat levels.

It’s important to note that preclinical study results do not reflect potential outcomes in clinical settings.

Sermorelin Side Effects

The FDA previously approved sermorelin for use in children with growth failure based on safety trials. The studies reported mild side effects, such as facial flushing and injection site reactions [19].

Studies in adults also indicate the peptide’s safety, primarily reporting injection site reactions such as [14, 15]:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Inflammation
  • Induration
  • Bleeding

A 16-week sermorelin study also observed temporary hyperlipidemia in some participants, possibly due to increased fat release from adipose cells [17].

It’s crucial to mention that subjects with oncological conditions should be excluded from sermorelin research, as elevated GH levels could promote cell proliferation and disease progression.

CJC-1295 Side Effects

Similar to the safety data on sermorelin, the most commonly reported side effects from CJC-1295 therapy are injection site reactions.

In addition, mild to moderate adverse reactions reported include [12, 13]:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Headaches
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Facial flushing

It’s important to note that the FDA has not reviewed the peptide for human use, and its safety has not been tested in large-scale clinical studies. The only long-term trial was discontinued due to a case of fatal myocardial infarction, deemed unrelated to CJC-1295 itself [9].

Similar to sermorelin and other peptides that upregulate GH synthesis, CJC-1295 should not be administered to subjects with oncological conditions.

CJC-1295 vs. Sermorelin | Dosage Calculator

CJC-1295 and sermorelin have both been administered as subcutaneous injections in research settings.

However, the dosage regimes for the two compounds differ significantly, primarily due to the sizable discrepancy between their respective half-lives.

The proper dosage of CJC-1295 and sermorelin depends on research goals and objectives. Below, we outline reference dosing regimes for each compound, as applied in available scientific publications.

Reference Sermorelin Dosing Protocol

Available clinical data reveal that sermorelin has been administered in daily doses ranging from 10 to 25mcg per kg of body weight. Thus, most trials have used daily doses of sermorelin 1-2mg subcutaneously for up to 16 weeks [5].

In addition, the peptide has been administered as either a single or twice-daily injection. The data reveal that evening injections are more effective for increasing GH AUC than morning injections [15].

Thus, sermorelin is best administered in the evening when following a once-daily protocol or early in the morning and before bed when following a twice-daily administration protocol.

Based on these data, experts recommend initiating studies with a conservative daily dosage of 0.5mg and before increasing to up to 1mg and 2mg daily, depending on the subject's tolerance and response.

Here is a sample dosing regimen for sermorelin based on these guidelines:

  • Daily Dose: 0.5mg/daily via subcutaneous injection.
  • Frequency: Once or twice daily.
  • Study Duration: Daily, up to 16 weeks.
  • Notes: Rotate injection sites with each injection. Do not exceed a daily sermorelin dosage of 2mg.

Reference CJC-1295 DAC Dosing Protocol

According to available clinical data, CJC-1295 DAC has been administered effectively in doses ranging between 30-60mcg per kilogram of body weight per week [12].

The article linked above also covers a CJC-1295 No DAC dosing protocol.

Based on the data, here is a sample CJC-1295 DAC dosing protocol:

  • Dose per injection: 30-60mcg/kg of body weight per week.
  • Frequency: Administer once weekly, subcutaneously.
  • Study Duration: Up to 12 weeks.
  • Notes: Rotate injection sites after each injection.

Sermorelin vs CJC-1295

Where to Buy HGH Peptides Online? | 2024 Edition

Researchers and laboratory professionals seeking sermorelin and/or CJC-1295 for their studies are advised to buy these compounds strictly from the following vetted sources.

Here's our top recommendations to do just that:

Limitless Life

At, we highly recommend Limitless Life to researchers who are ready to source HGH peptides for their research studies. Limitless Life has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to product quality, safe and responsible peptide distribution, and customer service.

Here are a few of the many reasons we like Limitless Life:

  • Independent Verification of Peptide Purity: Limitless Life backs up their quality standards by ensuring that each batch of peptides is independently tested by a third-party lab. 
  • Dedication to Safety For All: Limitless Life demonstrates their dedication to the safe and responsible distribution of research peptides by emphasizing repeatedly on their website that peptides are intended for research use only.
  • Reputable and Trustworthy: Limitless Life has an excellent reputation in the larger research peptide community because they are truly dedicated to product quality and customer satisfaction.
  • Easy-to-Access Service: No matter where in the world a researcher lives, their issues will be addressed quickly because Limitless Life customer service is available 7 days per week.

Limitless Life offers CJC-1295 No DAC and CJC-1295 No DAC + Ipamorelin.

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Xcel Peptides

Here's why Xcel Peptides stands out as the premier choice for acquiring research-grade sermorelin and CJC-1295:

  • US-Based Production: Xcel Peptides collaborates with domestic manufacturers following Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards.
  • Assured Purity: With a commitment to peptide quality, Xcel Peptides provides sermorelin and CJC-1295 that meet a 99% purity standard.
  • Efficient Shipping: Prioritizing convenience, Xcel Peptides offers a seamless online shopping experience complemented by swift and dependable shipping. They also waive shipping fees for domestic orders exceeding $200.

Selecting a trustworthy supplier like Xcel Peptides is paramount to the safety and success of research. Their unwavering dedication to product quality, purity, and customer satisfaction makes them a great choice for buying sermorelin and CJC-1295 online.

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This is why we recommend a trusted online provider that simplifies this process. Click here to learn more.

CJC-1295 vs. Sermorelin | Overall

When comparing sermorelin vs. CJC-1295, it's important to note that both peptides have been shown to reliably stimulate increased production of GH in the anterior pituitary gland.

The two peptides also have similar structures, and CJC-1295 can be viewed as a modified version of sermorelin. The main difference between the two peptides is in their pharmacokinetics, as CJC-1295 DAC has an extended half-life of up to 8 days.

As a result, CJC-1295 also appears to have a greater GH and IGF-1 stimulating capacity, as measured in test subjects. On the other hand, sermorelin is better researched and has even held FDA approval for use in children with growth hormone deficiency.

Qualified professionals looking to test sermorelin or CJC-1295 firsthand are advised to obtain either compound from a trusted source like this one.


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  19. Prakash, A., & Goa, K. L. (1999). Sermorelin: a review of its use in the diagnosis and treatment of children with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency. BioDrugs : clinical immunotherapeutics, biopharmaceuticals and gene therapy, 12(2), 139–157.

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David Warmflash, M.D.

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