Sermorelin Side Effects | What Researchers Must Know

Last Updated February 15, 2024

 February 15, 2024

Curios about semorlerin side effects?

Inside, we break down what researchers must know about this potent peptide and its risk profile.

This detailed guide will break down exactly what researchers need to know about sermorelin’s safety profile and potential complications involved in administering this peptide to test subjects.

Below, researchers will find a comprehensive overview of…

  • Sermorelin’s benefits
  • The side effects it causes
  • What researchers need to know before investigating this peptide

Without further ado, let's dig in.

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Disclaimer: contains information about products that are intended for laboratory and research use only, unless otherwise explicitly stated. This information, including any referenced scientific or clinical research, is made available for educational purposes only. Likewise, any published information relative to the dosing and administration of reference materials is made available strictly for reference and shall not be construed to encourage the self-administration or any human use of said reference materials. makes every effort to ensure that any information it shares complies with national and international standards for clinical trial information and is committed to the timely disclosure of the design and results of all interventional clinical studies for innovative treatments publicly available or that may be made available. However, research is not considered conclusive. makes no claims that any products referenced can cure, treat or prevent any conditions, including any conditions referenced on its website or in print materials.

What is Sermorelin?

Sermorelin is essentially a “fragment” of a growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), a naturally occurring hormone produced in the hypothalamus. The main role of GHRH is to stimulate the pituitary gland to produce and release more growth hormone (GH) into the bloodstream [1].

As sermorelin is simply a fragment of GHRH, it’s classified as a type of peptide known as a polypeptide. It comprises a long, continuous, unbranched chain of the first 29 amino acids found in GHRH. What makes sermorelin unique is that it functions identically to endogenous GHRH despite containing only the first 29 of its 44 amino acids [1].

Sermorelin can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously and mimics endogenous GHRH. It binds to the GHRH receptor and stimulates the production and release of GH [1].

Sermorelin received FDA approval in 1997 and was sold under the brand name “Geref” as a diagnostic tool for identifying idiopathic growth hormone deficiency (GHD) in children [2]. The drug’s FDA approval was withdrawn in 2008 for reasons other than safety and efficacy and its production for medical use is currently discontinued [3].

P.S: Learn more about Sermorelin vs. Ipamorelin.

sermorelin side effects

Benefits of Sermorelin

In terms of sermorelin benefits, this peptide offers the following research-backed benefits:

  • Increased HGH production and secretion: Sermorelin’s main benefit is that it can increase the production and release of HGH in the body. This has been confirmed in animal studies involving rainbow trout [4], and human studies involving children and adults [1].
  • Diagnostic test for idiopathic GHD in children: Although sermorelin is no longer FDA approved for this purpose, its main indicated use was to diagnose idiopathic growth hormone deficiency (GHD) in children [1]. Research showed that sermorelin could trigger a rapid hormone response when administered at a dose of 1 mcg/kg of body weight.
  • Treatment of GHD in children and adults: Studies have shown that sermorelin can promote growth in children with GHD when administered at 30 mcg/kg body weight per day [1].
  • Better safety profile than HGH: Sermorelin has yet to be compared directly with direct HGH (somatropin) in human clinical trials, but the available research data suggests that sermorelin has a better safety profile than somatropin when administered at the same dose (30 mcg/kg body weight per day) [1].
  • Potential treatment for male hypogonadism: Sermorelin has been identified as a potential therapy for “some of the symptoms of hypogonadism” [5]. The clinical efficacy of sermorelin for this purpose remains lacking.
  • Purported anti-aging benefits: Studies into growth hormone-releasing hormone agonists (GHRH‐As) that are similar to sermorelin have shown that GHRH-As can reduce “myocardial infarct scarring” in swine [6]. This study has led to speculation that sermorelin may offer anti-aging benefits in humans; however, this has yet to be tested in clinical trials.
  • Purported performance-enhancing benefits: In 2004, sermorelin was banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) from sports [7]. This led to speculation that it may enhance athletic performance. While a WADA-funded study did find that growth hormone supplementation “increased muscle mass and sprint capacity” in a group of recreational athletes [8], no studies involving sermorelin have yet been conducted.

These sermorelin benefits notwithstanding, it should also be noted that under no circumstances do we encourage the self-administration of research peptides like sermorelin for recreational purposes.

Taken together, all of the above research indicates that sermorelin offers numerous opportunities for further research.

Sermorelin Side Effects | A Comprehensive Review

Before conducting research with sermorelin, researchers should have a full understanding of the possible side effects that participants may encounter. Unfortunately, as sermorelin’s FDA approval was withdrawn in 2008 (for reasons other than safety and efficacy), there is very limited clinical trial data to indicate what long-term effects this peptide may produce.

A review of sermorelin’s use in the diagnosis and treatment of children with GHD concluded that “once daily subcutaneous doses of sermorelin are well tolerated” [1].

The most commonly reported adverse effects were:

  • Transient facial flushing, and
  • Pain at injection site.

According to, the most common sermorelin side effects are [9]:

  • Facial flushing
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Pain
  • Redness, or swelling at injection site
  • Paleness
  • Strange taste in mouth
  • Vomiting.

Research participants who experience any of the following severe allergic reactions should seek medical attention immediately:

  • Rash
  • Hives
  • Itching
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Tightness in the chest
  • Swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue

Sermorelin’s long-term safety remains largely unstudied. As researchers have noted, sermorelin presents “opportunities for future investigation” [5].

Sermorelin and Cancer?

There has been some discussion about the link between peptide use and increased risk of cancer. First, let’s be clear that there is currently no research linking sermorelin use to any form of cancer.

The use of other hormones is associated with an increased risk of some cancers. For example, there is evidence that long-term estrogen-only replacement therapy is linked to an increased risk of ovarian cancer [10].

In the case of sermorelin, no link to cancer has been established, despite this drug being around since the early 1980s. In part, this may be due to the lack of long-term clinical trials involving sermorelin. The data regarding sermorelin’s use in promoting growth in some prepubertal children with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency is extremely limited [1].

Another reason for the lack of data is that sermorelin’s main indicated use was as a provocative test of growth hormone deficiency when given as a single intravenous dose, not as a long-term therapeutic agent [1].

sermorelin side effects

Where to Buy Sermorelin Online? | 2024 Edition

Qualified researchers may purchase sermorelin online for research purposes.

That being said, researchers should conduct due diligence when considering the best place to buy sermorelin online. Many online companies offer peptides of questionable quality, and finding a reliable supplier is not always straightforward.

After extensive research, our team has identified the following trustworthy sermorelin vendor.

Xcel Peptides

Xcel Peptides carries high-quality peptides at reasonable prices and is an overall reputable company. While a newer vendor, they are known for:

  • High-Quality Sermorelin: They offer sermorelin at 99% purity, and provide a certificate of analysis from a third-party laboratory that’s easily accessible on their website.
  • Excellent Customer Service: Xcel Peptides' service team is friendly and competent, and replies to emails within 1-2 business days.
  • Payment Options: Xcel Peptides uses a secure payment system and accepts all major credit cards and payment platforms like Zelle and CashApp.

Given these benefits, it’s easy to see why Xcel Peptides is our preferred vendor for high-quality sermorelin.

Buy Sermorelin from our top-rated vendor...

Bacteriostatic Water for Sermorelin

Experienced researchers agree that there is nothing like a lack of supplies to severely limit experimentation. Especially when it comes to handling Sermorelin and other peptides, the correct tools are fundamental to proper preparation and storage.

What are these fundamental materials? Bacteriostatic water, sterile vials, and alcohol swabs are just a few of the requisite items for peptide research.

The team has reviewed top providers to give our best recommendation for purchasing essential research supplies.

Side Effects of Sermorelin | Verdict

What's the verdict on sermorelin use and side effects?

Overall, sermorelin is a discontinued research peptide with limited clinical data regarding its long-term safety and side effects.

The limited data available indicates that it was well-tolerated as a diagnostics test for GHD in children and had a better safety profile than somatropin.

Sermorelin presents interested researchers with a number of potentially fruitful research opportunities, especially with regards to treating symptoms of hypogonadism in males.

Researchers interested in working with sermorelin are advised to contact our top-rated supplier for further details.


    1. Prakash A, Goa KL. Sermorelin: a review of its use in the diagnosis and treatment of children with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency. BioDrugs. 1999 Aug;12(2):139-57. doi: 10.2165/00063030-199912020-00007. PMID: 18031173.
    2. US Food and Drug Administration, (n.d.). Drugs at FDA: FDA-Approved drugs.
    3. Determination That GEREF (Sermorelin Acetate) Injection, 0.5 Milligrams Base/Vial and 1.0 Milligrams Base/Vial, and GEREF (Sermorelin Acetate) Injection, 0.05 Milligrams Base/Amp, Were Not Withdrawn From Sale for Reasons of Safety or Effectiveness. (2021). Retrieved 3 June 2021, from 
    4. Shepherd, B. S., Johnson, J. K., Silverstein, J. T., Parhar, I. S., Vijayan, M. M., McGuire, A., & Weber, G. M. (2007). Endocrine and orexigenic actions of growth hormone secretagogues in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 146(3), 390-399.
    5. Sinha DK, Balasubramanian A, Tatem AJ, Rivera-Mirabal J, Yu J, Kovac J, Pastuszak AW, Lipshultz LI. Beyond the androgen receptor: the role of growth hormone secretagogues in the modern management of body composition in hypogonadal males. Transl Androl Urol. 2020 Mar;9(Suppl 2):S149-S159. doi: 10.21037/tau.2019.11.30. PMID: 32257855; PMCID: PMC7108996.
    6. Bagno, L. L., Kanashiro‐Takeuchi, R. M., Suncion, V. Y., Golpanian, S., Karantalis, V., Wolf, A., … & Valdes, D. (2015). Growth hormone–releasing hormone agonists reduce myocardial infarct scar in swine with subacute ischemic cardiomyopathy. Journal of the American Heart Association, 4(4), e001464.
    7. Knoop A, Thomas A, Fichant E, Delahaut P, Schänzer W, Thevis M. Qualitative identification of growth hormone-releasing hormones in human plasma by means of immunoaffinity purification and LC-HRMS/MS. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2016 May;408(12):3145-53. doi: 10.1007/s00216-016-9377-3. Epub 2016 Feb 15. PMID: 26879649; PMCID: PMC4830873.
    8. Meinhardt U, Nelson AE, Hansen JL, Birzniece V, Clifford D, Leung KC, Graham K, Ho KK. The effects of growth hormone on body composition and physical performance in recreational athletes: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med. 2010 May 4;152(9):568-77. doi: 10.7326/0003-4819-152-9-201005040-00007. PMID: 20439575.
    9. (2015). Sermorelin acetate.
    10. Lacey, Jr JV, Mink PJ, Lubin JH, et al. Menopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy and Risk of Ovarian Cancer. JAMA. 2002;288(3):334–341. doi:10.1001/jama.288.3.334

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David Warmflash, M.D.

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