Researchers interested in investigating the effects of the most studied oral growth hormone secretagogue (GHS) will inevitably wonder: how much does MK-677 cost?
This potent, orally-active GHS is a highly-sought research compound that is known for its abilities to improve body composition, bone health, sleep quality, and more.
In this guide, researchers will find a full overview of the costs associated with MK-677 administration, as well as an explanation of some of its benefits and side effects, a sample dosing protocol, and the best place to buy MK-677 online.
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Disclaimer: contains information about products that are intended for laboratory and research use only, unless otherwise explicitly stated. This information, including any referenced scientific or clinical research, is made available for educational purposes only. Likewise, any published information relative to the dosing and administration of reference materials is made available strictly for reference and shall not be construed to encourage the self-administration or any human use of said reference materials. makes every effort to ensure that any information it shares complies with national and international standards for clinical trial information and is committed to the timely disclosure of the design and results of all interventional clinical studies for innovative treatments publicly available or that may be made available. However, research is not considered conclusive. makes no claims that any products referenced can cure, treat or prevent any conditions, including any conditions referenced on its website or in print materials.
What is MK-677?
MK-677 (code name for ibutamoren) is an orally-active agonist of the ghrelin receptor that mimics ghrelin, an endogenous hormone known to increase hunger. MK-677 is classified as a growth hormone secretagogue because it stimulates the release of endogenous growth hormone [1].
MK-677 is mechanistically identical to the GH-releasing peptide GHRP-6, but is clearly distinguishable from GH-releasing hormone. It has a pronounced effect on GH levels, and exerts only modest effects on cortisol, prolactin, thyroxine, luteinizing hormone, and aldosterone [1].
In the United States, ibutamoren is classified as an Investigational New Drug and has yet to undergo evaluation by the Food and Drug Administration. The highest known development phase of MK-677 to date was a Lumos Pharma Phase II trial for somatropin deficiency, which was suspended in July 2021 and resumed in May 2022 [2].
Benefits of MK-677
While MK-677 is a research compound with no formally established therapeutic use, clinical studies have shown that it may offer several benefits when administered to research subjects. Here is our rundown of the top three MK-677 benefits reported in the literature to date.
Increased Lean Body Mass Production
Several clinical trials and studies have linked MK-677 to increased lean body mass production, given its ability to effectively increase levels of GH in subjects [3]. Importantly, MK-677 has not been linked to the same concerns as long-term, high-dose GH therapy, such as increased all-cause mortality in GH deficient children [4] and increased risk of harm in GH deficient adults [5].
One study found that MK-677 increased GH, IGF-I, and IGFBP-3 levels in GH deficient children after just seven days [6], suggesting that short-term MK-677 administration could be an alternative to somatropin therapy. Two other short-term studies have shown that MK-677 can impact body composition in test subjects. Murphy et al. found that a group of healthy, young test subjects experienced reduced diet-induced catabolism during a 14-day period of dieting [7], while a study by Svensson et al. found that MK-677 therapy led to a group of obese men gaining 3 kg more fat-free mass that research subjects in a placebo group [8].
Improved Quality and Duration of Sleep
According to one study conducted in 1997, MK-677 improves the quality and duration of sleep when administered to research subjects at a dose of 25 mg per day. The study found that MK-677 therapy led to a 20 percent increase in rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep and a 50 percent increase in Stage 4 sleep compared with placebo [9]. Based on these findings, further research into MK-677’s effect on sleep quality and duration is warranted.
Improved Bone Health in Elderly Subjects
MK-677 has a demonstrated ability to improve bone health in elderly test subjects according to results from a 1999 study by Murphy et al. [10]. The nine-week study found that MK-677 increased mean serum osteocalcin by 29.4% compared with a placebo and had a positive effect on bone resorption and formation. These findings suggest that further study along these lines could prove fruitful for researchers.
MK-677 Side Effects and Safety
MK-677 appears to be well-tolerated by test subjects and has not been linked to any severe adverse effects (AEs) [3]. The 1998 study by Murphy et al. concluded that MK-677 (25 mg) was “generally well tolerated and without clinically significant adverse experiences” [7]. However, as this study involved just eight healthy volunteers (ages 24-39 yr) and took place over two 14-day periods, its limited size and scope should be taken into consideration before drawing conclusions on the safety of MK-677.
MK-677 long-term safety, especially in terms of cancer incidence and mortality, is an area where further study is required [3]. A 24-week study conducted by Adunsky et al. in 2011 was suspended due to concerns that MK-677 could increase the risk of congestive heart failure (CHF) in elderly patients admitted for hip fracture [11]. The researchers concluded that MK-0677 had an unfavorable safety profile in that narrowly-defined patient population.
A year-long study involving 65 healthy yet elderly subjects found that MK-677 produced the following side effects [12]:
- Decreased insulin sensitivity
- Decreased low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
- Muscle pain (mild, transient)
- Edema (mild, transient)
- Increased cortisol levels
- Increased appetite
- Increased fasting blood glucose levels (0.3 mmol/L, 5 mg/dL on average)
While these findings did not find that MK-677 caused any major side effects, there is a clear need to investigate the safety of long-term MK-677 use to better understand its effects on research subjects [2].
How Much Does MK-677 Cost?
The cost of investigating the effects of MK-677 depends on a number of variables including the number of test subjects, dosage frequency and duration, and the cost of acquiring MK-677 from a peptide vendor.
In this section, we outline how much MK-677 costs and how its price may affect the cost of running a trial or experiment.
The retail cost of MK-677 can vary considerably depending on a range of factors, including the country of production, purity, order volume, and shipping. Our preferred vendor, Chemyo, sells bottles of 50ml bottles of MK-677 solution for $79.99. The MK-677 solution contains 25mg/ml.
MK-677 Dosage
As a research chemical, MK-677 does not have a formally recommended or safe dose. However, researchers can look at existing data from the above-cited studies to see how it has been dosed in the past [7, 8, 9, 10, 11].
Based on the literature to date, researchers may refer to the following sample MK-677 dosage protocol to study the compound’s effects on body composition:
- Daily Dosage: 12.5mg-25mg of MK-677
- Frequency: One to two 12.5mg MK-577 capsules daily. If the protocol calls for two capsules daily, cause the subject to ingest one capsule in the morning and one in the evening.
- Study Duration: MK-677 may be administered for up to six months.
- Research Cycle: MK-677 is typically not “cycled.” However, test subjects should be monitored for insulin resistance.
Where to Buy MK-677 Online? | 2024 Edition
Researchers looking to investigate the utility and safety of MK-677 may be curious to know where to buy MK-677 online.
Our expert reviewers have placed orders with a range of vendors and assessed them according to the quality of MK-677 they provide, pricing, shipping times, customer service, and overall ease of use. Here are our two favorite vendors.
Chemyo offers industry-leading research chemicals at reasonable prices and has reliable shipping options for all orders. We endorse them for these main reasons:
- Independent Lab Reports: Chemyo has each batch of MK-677 tested by an independent lab, with the test results posted online for perusal.
- Fair Prices: Their research-grade MK-677 is priced fairly, and the company offers a 10% discount to researchers who sign up for their newsletter. As of writing, Chemyo’s MK-677 retails for $80 per 50mL (25mg/mL) bottle.
- Dependable Shipping: The experience of ordering MK-677 online can be hampered by shipping delays. In our experience, the shipping options offered by Chemyo are extremely dependable, with the fees waived for US orders of $100.
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Limitless Life
Limitless Life is a stand out vendor for the following reasons:
- High Quality Peptides: The vendor contracts third-party labs that employ HPLC-MS testing to ensure that all Limitless Life compounds are pure and potent.
- Shipping Practices: They waive shipping fees on orders over $350 and promise delivery within 24-48 hours via their express shipping option.
- Payment Options: Limitless Life offers a wide variety of payment options, including CashApp, Zelle, and Revolut.
Buy research peptides from GOLDEN Peptides, a top-rated vendor...

MK-677 Costs | Verdict
We put together this guide to answer any questions that researchers may have regarding MK-677 costs.
At this time, further MK-677 research is warranted across a variety of applications, including sleep quality and bone health. By referring to the extensive MK-677 literature to date, researchers should have little trouble designing a suitable study or calculating the costs involved.
Looking to source MK-677? Click here.