Melanotan 2 Dosage Calculator and Chart | A-Z Guide

Last Updated June 26, 2024

 June 26, 2024

Research into sunless tanning is on the rise, with many researchers looking to establish the correct melanotan 2 dosage for their next experiment. 

While melanotan 2 was originally intended to safely increase skin pigmentation in humans, this peptide has a host of other research-backed benefits, including: 

  • Increased sexual arousal 
  • Reduced hunger and cravings 
  • Decreased compulsive behavior 

We have compiled this informative melanotan 2 dosage calculator and guide to highlight key findings concerning how this peptide has been dosed in past trials. 

For researchers ready to pick up melanotan 2 for study, see the end of this guide for our top recommendation of an online vendor.

Buy Melanotan 2 from a top-rated vendor...

Disclaimer: contains information about products that are intended for laboratory and research use only, unless otherwise explicitly stated. This information, including any referenced scientific or clinical research, is made available for educational purposes only. Likewise, any published information relative to the dosing and administration of reference materials is made available strictly for reference and shall not be construed to encourage the self-administration or any human use of said reference materials. makes every effort to ensure that any information it shares complies with national and international standards for clinical trial information and is committed to the timely disclosure of the design and results of all interventional clinical studies for innovative treatments publicly available or that may be made available. However, research is not considered conclusive. makes no claims that any products referenced can cure, treat or prevent any conditions, including any conditions referenced on its website or in print materials.

Melanotan 2 Dosage Chart | Quick Breakdown

Research Objective Dosage
Melanotan 2 Dosage for Erectile Dysfunction 1-2mg per dose as needed, with at least 48 hours in between doses and up to 4 times a month
Melanotan 2 Dosage for Tanning Research 0.5mg/daily for up to 14 days, followed by a few months’ washout period

What is Melanotan 2?

Melanotan 2 is a synthetic peptide that mimics alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH), a naturally occurring substance secreted from the pituitary gland [1].

The α-MSH peptide, along with all the other peptides in the body, plays an important role in regulating various bodily functions. They produce chemical signals by binding to receptors that are found throughout the body. Specifically, α-MSH binds to a set of receptors called melanocortin receptors [2].

There are 5 types of melanocortin receptors and each has a slightly different effect on the body. MC-1R is responsible for signaling the body to produce more melanin, the substance responsible for darkening skin and hair. Melanotan 2 can bind to the same receptors and may offer similar benefits in test subjects. 

The other melanocortin receptors have different roles. For example, the MC-3R plays a role in regulating appetite and energy and MC-4R plays a role in regulating sexual behavior and erectile function. That's why past studies have linked melanotan 2 to other effects such as heightened libido and decreased body fat levels in test subjects. 

Researchers unfamiliar with melanotan 2 may note that it differs slightly from melanotan 1. We’ll explore the main similarities and differences between these two peptides in the next section. 

Melanotan 2 Dosage Calculator

Melanotan 1 vs. Melanotan 2

What's the difference between melanotan 1 (MT-1) and melanotan 2 (MT-2)?

The main difference lies in their chemical structure. While both peptides have a chemical structure that closely resembles α-MSH, they differ in several important ways. Melanotan 1 is a straight, longer peptide while melanotan 2 is a shorter, circular peptide.

These chemical differences mean that these peptides bind to different melanocortin receptors and stimulate them differently. This means they have some effects in common, but also produce some different effects.


  • Both melanotan 1 and melanotan 2 appear to darken the skin when administered to test subjects.
  • Both peptides have similar side effects: flushing, nausea, darkening of moles.


  • Studies have linked melanotan 2 dosing to increased libido in test subjects. This effect has not been observed in MT-1 studies.
  • Melanotan 2 has a longer half-life than MT-1, so it has a more flexible dosing schedule. In past studies, test subjects have been administered MT-2 once per day, while MT-1 studies have typically involved twice-daily injections. 
  • Melanotan 1 is approved by the FDA and in the EU as a prescription medication for patients with erythropoietic protoporphyria; MT-2 isn't.

Having reviewed the main similarities and differences between MT-1 and MT-2 we will turn our attention to the main benefits and uses of MT-2.

Melanotan 2 Benefits and Uses

Past studies have linked melanotan II to a number of effects in test subjects. Here's a shortlist of those.

  • Tanning and skin darkening. Studies have shown that melanotan 2 reduces the chance of test subjects getting sunburn and appears to protect the skin from sun damage. Some studies have suggested that MT-2 can even reduce the chance of getting skin cancer [3, 4, 5].
  • Reduces hunger. Some research has found that melanotan II plays a role in regulating appetite. In animal studies, It has been found to reduce fat storage and change food preferences away from fatty foods [6, 7, 8].
  • Regulating blood sugar. Some research has indicated that melanotan 2 doses may play a role in regulating blood sugar [9]. This indicates that further research into the ability of MT-2 to regulate blood sugar levels may be merited. 
  • Improving impulse control and addictive behavior. Animal studies have found that melanotan 2 doses can help regulate impulsive behavior [10]. This suggests that further research is warranted. 
  • Increasing libido and improving sexual function. Several studies have linked MT-2 to increased libido in test subjects [11, 12]. In fact, it was originally developed as a way to treat hypoactive sex drives in both male and female research subjects. 

While these purported effects may spike the interest of peptide researchers, it should be stressed that melanotan 2 is a research chemical and has no safe dosage in human test subjects. So, what is known about melanotan 2 side effects? 

Melanotan 2 Side Effects

What side effects does melanotan 2 produce in test subjects? Here’s a shortlist [3]:

  • Yawning
  • Stretching
  • Decreased appetite
  • Increased sexual arousal and libido
  • Darkening facial hair
  • Darkening moles
  • Flushing
  • Nausea
  • Lethargy
  • Dizziness

Despite these side effects, a review of research on melanotan 2 has concluded that “side effects observed in clinical trials are largely minor” [3]. 

Let’s dive into how melanotan 2 has been dosed in past clinical studies.

Melanotan 2 Dosage Calculator and Guide

After reviewing the background, effects, and overall safety profile of melanotan 2, we’ll now explore how this research chemical has been administered in past clinical studies. We must stress that melanotan 2 studies are lacking and this merits further research.  

Recommended melanotan 2 dosage

Melanotan 2 has not been evaluated or approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and has no recommended dosage or protocol.

Dosage regimes used in past studies may help inform peptide researchers when planning future experiments [3].

For erectile dysfunction in men, the available research reveals that melanotan 2 has been administered at doses of 0.025mg/kg (roughly 0.011mg/lb), with a total of four doses separated by a 48 hour period. This is equal to a 2mg dose for a 175lb person [3, 11].

For tanning, research reports that the peptide has been used in doses of 0.01mg/kg (0.0045mg/lb) daily for up to two consecutive weeks. This would be equal to 0.8mg/daily for a 175lb individual [4].

Experts recommend using the lowest effective of the peptide and initiating research with melanotan 2 at a lower dosage within the range of 0.25-0.5mg/daily.

Based on the research, here is a sample melanotan 2 dosing protocol to be used for reference during tanning research:

  • Daily Dosage: 0.25-0.5mg
  • Frequency: Once-daily subcutaneous injections
  • Study Duration: Up to 14 days. This cycle has not been repeated according to the available research. Accordingly, grant at least a few months’ washout period or preferably administer the cycle only annually.
  • Notes: Researchers are recommended to initiate research at the lowest possible dose. A 10mg melanotan 2 vial is sufficient for two courses at 0.25mg/daily or a single course at 0.5mg/daily.

Getting the right equipment

To judge and calculate the correct melanotan 2 dose to administer to test subjects, researchers need to know a few things. These are as follows: 

  • Size of the syringe. Most peptide researchers opt to use insulin syringes to administer melanotan 2 because these have thin, short needles. There are several sizes, but they usually come in one of two sizes: 10 International Units (IUs) = 0.1 milliliters (mL) or 100 IUs = 1 mL.
  • How much melanotan 2 is in the vial. Usually, melanotan 2 vials come in 2 milligrams (mg) or 10 mg. 

For reasons of brevity, the following examples will assume that researchers are using a 100 IU (1 mL) syringe and 10 mg vial of melanotan II.

How to reconstitute melanotan 2

When purchased as a reference material, melanotan 2 is shipped as a freeze-dried powder. This must be reconstituted with sterile water such as bacteriostatic water prior to use. 

To reconstitute melanotan 2 and make it injectible, researchers may follow these directions:

  1. Remove the top of the melanotan 2 vial. Wipe the rubber stopper with an alcohol swab to sterilize it.
  2. Remove the top of the bacteriostatic water. Wipe that rubber stopper with alcohol too. This is to reduce the chance of infection.
  3. Insert the syringe into the vial of water. Hold it upside down and take out the water. Most researchers use 1 or 2 mL, but researchers should be aware that the amount will affect the melanotan 2 dose. 
  4. Inject the water slowly in the vial of melanotan 2, aiming at the side (not the powder).
  5. Refrigerate for a few hours or overnight until the powder dissolves. The vial can be swirled or tilted but not shaken. 

Dosage calculator

These calculations assume that researchers have access to a syringe size of 1 mL and have reconstituted 10 mg of melanotan 2 with 1 mL of bacteriostatic water:

  • 250 mcg (0.25 mg) dose = 3 IUs
  • 500 mcg (0.5 mg) dose = 5 IUs
  • 750 mcg (0.75 mg) dose = 8 IUs
  • 1 mg dose = 10 IUs

These calculations assume that researchers have access to a syringe size of 1 mL and have reconstituted 10 mg of melanotan 2 with 2 mL of bacteriostatic water:

  • 250 mcg (0.25 mg) dose = 5 IUs
  • 500 mcg (0.5 mg) dose = 10 IUs
  • 750 mcg (0.75 mg) dose = 15 IUs

Melanotan 2 Dosage Calculator

Where to Buy Melanotan 2 Online? | 2024 Edition

Researchers interested in exploring melanotan 2 may be curious about the best place to buy melanotan 2 online.

After extensive market research and product testing, our team has determined that the best vendor of melanotan 2 for research is:

Xcel Peptides

Here are a few reasons why we trust Xcel Peptides:

  • Pure Melanotan 2: Xcel Peptides produces research-grade melanotan 2 and gets every batch tested in-house and also by a third-party lab to ensure that its products meet stringent quality control standards.
  • Unbeatable Prices: Xcel Peptides has some of the most reasonable prices for melanotan 2, with the 10mg vial retailing for $39. That's incredible pricing.
  • Convenient, Secure Payments: Xcel Peptides accepts several kinds of payments (credit cards, cryptocurrencies, CashApp) and also uses the latest SSL technology to ensure that all payment info stays secure.
  • Great Customer Service: Their stellar customer support staff respond to most emails within 24 hours, and are also available by phone and chat.

Researchers interested in procuring melanotan 2 are advised to visit Xcel Peptides to start exploring the applications of this promising peptide.

Buy Melanotan 2 from a top-rated vendor...

Bacteriostatic Water for Melanotan 2

Qualified researchers appreciate the importance of having the necessary supplies available. Especially when it comes to correctly handling Melanotan 2, a standard set of items is required.

For example, the peptide reconstitution and storage processes call for bacteriostatic water and sterile vials, among other materials.

Typically, researchers may require laboratory supplies and materials like:

  • Bacteriostatic Water
  • Alcohol Prep Pads
  • Sterile Empty Glass Vials
  • Insulin Syringes

For any researchers who do not have these, it is recommended to check authorized vendors when sourcing said materials.

Melanotan 2 Dosage | The Verdict?

While melanotan 2 does not hold regulatory approval like melanotan 1, early research indicates that this research chemical has similar effects on test subjects, suggesting that further research may be warranted.

Qualified researchers are advised to turn to this top-rated vendor for more information about ordering this peptide.


  1. Plant, T. M. & Zeleznik, A. J. (2014). Knobil and Neill's Physiology of Reproduction: Two-Volume Set. Academic Press. pp. 2230–2231.
  2. King, S. H., Mayorov, A. V., Balse-Srinivasan, P., Hruby, V. J., Vanderah, T. W., & Wessells, H. (2007). Melanocortin receptors, melanotropic peptides and penile erection. Current topics in medicinal chemistry, 7(11), 1111-1119.
  3. Brennan, R., Wells, J. G., & Van Hout, M. C. (2014). An unhealthy glow? A review of melanotan use and associated clinical outcomes. Performance Enhancement & Health, 3(2), 78–92.
  4. Dorr, R. T., Lines, R., Levine, N., Brooks, C., Xiang, L., Hruby, V. J., & Hadley, M. E. (1996). Evaluation of melanotan-II, a superpotent cyclic melanotropic peptide in a pilot phase-I clinical study. Life sciences, 58(20), 1777–1784.
  5. FitzGerald, L. M., Fryer, J. L., Dwyer, T., & Humphrey, S. M. (2006). Effect of MELANOTAN®, [Nle4, D-Phe7]-α-MSH, on melanin synthesis in humans with MC1R variant alleles. Peptides, 27(2), 388-394.
  6. van der Klaauw, A., Keogh, J., Henning, E., Stephenson, C., Trowse, V. M., Fletcher, P., & Farooqi, S. (2015). Role of melanocortin signalling in the preference for dietary macronutrients in human beings. The Lancet, 385, S12.
  7. Lee, Y. S. (2009). The role of leptin-melanocortin system and human weight regulation: lessons from experiments of nature. Annals Academy of Medicine Singapore, 38(1), 34.
  8. Bjørbæk, C., & Hollenberg, A. N. (2002). Leptin and melanocortin signaling in the hypothalamus. Vitamins and Hormones, 65, 281-311.
  9. Guo, F., Bakal, K., Minokoshi, Y., & Hollenberg, A. N. (2004). Leptin signaling targets the thyrotropin-releasing hormone gene promoter in vivo. Endocrinology, 145(5), 2221-2227.
  10. York, D. A., Boghossian, S., & Park-York, M. (2011). Melanocortin activity in the amygdala influences alcohol intake. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 98(1), 112-119.
  11. Wessells, H., Fuciarelli, K., Hansen, J., Hadley, M. E., Hruby, V. J., Dorr, R., & Levine, N. (1998). Synthetic melanotropic peptide initiates erections in men with psychogenic erectile dysfunction: double-blind, placebo controlled crossover study. The Journal of Urology, 160(2), 389-393.
  12. Hakim, L. S. (1998). Synthetic melanotropic peptide initiates erections in men with psychogenic erectile dysfunction: Double-blind placebo controlled crossover study. International Journal of Impotence Research, 10(4), 263-263.

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David Warmflash, M.D.

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