Epithalon Benefits and Research Applications

Last Updated January 31, 2024

 January 31, 2024

Curious about epithalon benefits and research applications?

Epithalon is a telomerase activator that has undergone extensive study for its ability to replicate human DNA to allow the body to grow new cells and revitalize old ones.

Due to rising interest in epithalon benefits, researchers around the world are increasingly examining this peptide.

To aid prospective anti-aging researchers, we have put together this guide to summarize:

  • Known benefits
  • Side effects of epithalon 
  • clinical trials to date

Researchers interested in experimenting with epithalon may also find a complete overview of how this peptide has been dosed and cycled in past studies. We close by revealing our preferred vendor of research-grade epithalon and other peptides.

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Disclaimer: Peptides.org contains information about products that are intended for laboratory and research use only, unless otherwise explicitly stated. This information, including any referenced scientific or clinical research, is made available for educational purposes only. Likewise, any published information relative to the dosing and administration of reference materials is made available strictly for reference and shall not be construed to encourage the self-administration or any human use of said reference materials. Peptides.org makes every effort to ensure that any information it shares complies with national and international standards for clinical trial information and is committed to the timely disclosure of the design and results of all interventional clinical studies for innovative treatments publicly available or that may be made available. However, research is not considered conclusive. Peptides.org makes no claims that any products referenced can cure, treat or prevent any conditions, including any conditions referenced on its website or in print materials.

What is Epithalon?

Epithalon is a synthetic peptide composed of four amino acids (Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly), formally known as a “tetrapeptide.” It was developed in the 1980s by researchers at the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology and has been shown to elongate telomeres in human somatic cells [1].

Due to epithalon’s proven ability to induce telomerase activity and suppress CCl11 and HMGB1 genes, with the effect of increasing the lifespan of human somatic cells, many researchers view it as an anti-aging compound [2].

As noted by Prof. Vladimir Khavinson, the scientist credited with discovering epithalon, the peptide “regulates the function of the pineal gland, the retina, and the brain” with the effect of extending the lifespan of test subjects [3].

Researchers interested in studying the benefits of epithalon may see it sold under a variety of other names including “epitalon,” “epithalone,” and “AEDG peptide,” the latter a reference to its amino acid sequence.

Epithalon is not approved for use by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is not typically available by prescription in that country. However, licensed researchers in most countries including the USA may purchase epithalon for scientific or educational aims. In such cases, the peptide should be labeled as a “research chemical” or “reference material,” and not intended for human use.

epithalon benefits

Epithalon Benefits | A Comprehensive Review

Based on the findings of cell culture studies, animal studies in vitro, and human clinical trials conducted with epithalon, researchers believe that the peptide may provide a host of benefits in subjects, including in the areas of longevity and sleep.

Epithalon and Longevity

Animal studies have shown that epithalon can increase longevity in animals and prolong the integrity of the eye retina in rats, while human clinical trials have found that epithalon offers anti-aging effects in elderly human test subjects [4, 5].

According to a long-term human study published in 2003, a research team observed that both thymalin and epithalamin, from which epithalon derives, offer “geoprotective effects” and may prolong human life, observing that both substances [5]:

“Normalize the basic functions of the human organism, i.e. to improve the indices of cardiovascular, endocrine, immune and nervous systems, homeostasis and metabolism.”

The researchers observed a 1.6-1.8 fold decreased mortality rate in the epithalamin-treated group, as well as decreased rates of:

  • Coronary artery disease
  • Hypertension
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Osteoporosis

The researchers concluded that epithalamin may be beneficial for “health maintenance and age-related pathology prevention” in elderly subjects.

Epithalon and Sleep Enhancement

Epithalon has demonstrated an ability to enhance sleep in test subjects. For example, a 2007 study from Russia found that epithalon normalized the hormone circadian rhythm in elderly human subjects and modulated the functional state of the pineal gland. The authors stated that the peptide had the effect of increasing melatonin concentration in the test subjects, thus contributing to enhanced control of the sleep–wake cycle [6].

These same findings have been replicated in a sleep study involving elderly monkeys, who also exhibited a “significant increase in the night plasma melatonin” following administration of either epithalamin or epithalon. Notably, the researchers did not observe any change in melatonin levels in young monkeys who were given the same treatment [7].

Epithalon and Cancer Research

Epithalon has exhibited anti-cancer effects in both animal and human test subjects. For example, in a 2007 study by Vinogradova et al, the peptide was found to significantly inhibit the development of tumors in female rats exposed to a standard amount of natural light [3, 4].

In Russia, epithalon is clinically used to treat hormone-dependent tumors, as well as menopause-related symptoms and anovulatory infertility [8]. However, according to the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF), the relevant epithalon research conducted to date has yet to be independently confirmed, and epithalon remains a research chemical outside of Russia [9].

Epithalon Side Effects

According to a three-year study of 39 coronary patients who had received regular courses of both epithalamin and basic therapy, researchers did not observe any adverse effects in the treatment group. On the contrary, the researchers noted significantly reduced mortality in the epithalamin treated group compared to patients treated with basic therapy alone [10].

This is consistent with Professor Khavinson’s long standing findings that epithalon increases lifespan through its anticarcinogenic and geroprotective actions [11].

Since epithalon is typically administered via subcutaneous injection, handlers should follow all standard precautions to reduce the incidence of injection-related side effects like redness, pain, itching, or swelling at the site of injection. Any injection-related adverse effects typically subside within one to three days following administration.

Epithalon Dosage Calculator and Guide

To the extent that epithalon is sold as a research chemical, there are no officially approved epithalon dosing guidelines.

Researchers are encouraged to follow standard peptide reconstitution guidelines when preparing epithalon.


To correctly reconstitute and inject epithalon, researchers should have the following on hand:

  • Vial of lyophilized epithalon
  • Vial of bacteriostatic water
  • Sterile syringes
  • Alcohol wipes


Follow these steps to prepare epithalon for injection:

  1. Wipe the surfaces of the vial tops with alcohol swabs to avoid the incidence of contamination or infection.
  2. Insert a sterile syringe into the bacteriostatic water vial and withdraw the amount needed based on the dosing protocol.
  3. Slowly inject the bacteriostatic water into the epithalon vial, allowing it to trickle down the side and gradually dissolving the epithalon powder.
  4. Avoid shaking or stirring the vial, as this can affect the peptide’s integrity.
  5. Store any leftover solution in a refrigerator.

Sample Epithalon Dosing Protocol

Based on the work of Professor Khavinson and associated researchers, the International Peptide Society has published the following sample epithalon dosing protocol for anti-aging purposes (“the Russian Protocol”) [12]:

  • Daily Dosage: 10mg epithalon
  • Frequency: Administer one to two subcutaneous injections daily. For twice-daily injections, administer once in the morning and once at night.
  • Course Duration: 10 days
  • Repeat Course: 2 times/year. Each course should be followed by a pause of at least four months.
  • Notes: A single 100mg epithalon course under the Russian Protocol requires two 50mg epithalon vials.

epithalon benefits

Where to Buy Epithalon Online? | 2024 Edition

Qualified researchers and laboratory professionals may purchase research-grade epithalon for experimentation from a number of online stores.

Luckily, the Peptides.org team has tested all of the major peptide vendors, noting their performance in terms of product quality, checkout process, site security, shipping, and customer care.

Based on our experience, here is the top place to buy research-grade epithalon online:

Limitless Life

At Peptides.org, we highly recommend Limitless Life as an outstanding source for research peptides.

Peptide researchers will be impressed by their commitment to product quality and safety, their reputation and trustworthiness, and their responsive service.

Here’s more about what researchers can expect from Limitless Life:

  • Independent Laboratory Testing: Limitless Life is able to offer research peptides with a 99% or greater purity level because of their commitment to third-party testing and verification.
  • Safe Peptide Distribution: Limitless Life is dedicated to safe, responsible, and ethical use of research peptides. This is why they emphasize repeatedly that their peptides are for the use of qualified researchers and for research purposes only.
  • Credibility and Reputation: Limitless LIfe has earned an excellent reputation in the research peptide community thanks to their high-quality products and evidenced by their low credit card charge-back threshold.
  • Excellent Support and Service: Limitless Life’s support and service team is available 7 days a week by phone or email, and they are dedicated to addressing order issues and answering questions quickly.

Limitless Life is also one of the few peptides suppliers with Epithalon capsules for research available.

Don’t forget…

Peptide researchers can also get 10% off the next order at Limitless Life with our exclusive promo code. Just click the link below and add this code:


Buy Epithalon from our top-rated vendor...

Bacteriostatic Water and Epithalon

It is well-settled knowledge that every researcher must be fully stocked with the proper tools for experimentation.

When it comes to handling peptides such as Epithalon, researchers need to have several items on hand, including sterile vials, insulin syringes, and bacteriostatic water.

These materials are indispensable to the processes of peptide reconstitution, injection, and storage. Yet, gathering the full set can present a challenge for many researchers.

Epithalon Benefits | Verdict

In this guide to epithalon benefits, we have drawn on the relevant literature to provide anti-aging researchers with a useful starting point.

Based on the available evidence, epithalon has documented anti-aging effects in both animal and human test subjects, and additionally offers sleep-promoting and disease-fighting effects.

With its excellent safety profile and ease of administration, epithalon may be administered twice annually in two short courses for its geroprotective effects.

Any researcher looking to study the effects of epithalon is advised to visit our top-rated vendor to place an order.


  1.  Khavinson VKh, Bondarev IE, Butyugov AA. Epithalon peptide induces telomerase activity and telomere elongation in human somatic cells. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2003 Jun;135(6):590-2. doi: 10.1023/a:1025493705728. PMID: 12937682.
  2. Khavinson VKh, Kuznik BI, Tarnovskaia SI, Lin'kova NS. [Peptides and CCL11 and HMGB1 as molecular markers of aging: literature review and own data]. Adv Gerontol. 2014;27(3):399-406. Russian. PMID: 25826983.
  3. Khavinson V, Diomede F, Mironova E, Linkova N, Trofimova S, Trubiani O, Caputi S, Sinjari B. AEDG Peptide (Epitalon) Stimulates Gene Expression and Protein Synthesis during Neurogenesis: Possible Epigenetic Mechanism. Molecules. 2020 Jan 30;25(3):609. doi: 10.3390/molecules25030609. PMID: 32019204; PMCID: PMC7037223.
  4. Vinogradova IA, Bukalev AV, Zabezhinski MA, Semenchenko AV, Khavinson VKh, Anisimov VN. Effect of Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly peptide on life span and development of spontaneous tumors in female rats exposed to different illumination regimes. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2007 Dec;144(6):825-30. doi: 10.1007/s10517-007-0441-z. PMID: 18856211.
  5. Khavinson VKh, Morozov VG. Peptides of pineal gland and thymus prolong human life. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2003 Jun-Aug;24(3-4):233-40. PMID: 14523363.
  6. Korkushko OV, Lapin BA, Goncharova ND, Khavinson VKh, Shatilo VB, Vengerin AA, Antoniuk-Shcheglova IA, Magdich LV. [Normalizing effect of the pineal gland peptides on the daily melatonin rhythm in old monkeys and elderly people]. Adv Gerontol. 2007;20(1):74-85. Russian. PMID: 17969590.
  7. Goncharova ND, Vengerin AA, Shmaliĭ AV, Khavinson VKh. Peptidnaia korrektsiia vozrastnykh narusheniĭ funktsii épifiza u obez'ian [Peptide correction of age-related pineal disturbances in monkeys]. Adv Gerontol. 2003;12:121-7. Russian. PMID: 14743609.
  8. Anisimov VN, Mylnikov SV, Oparina TI, Khavinson VK. Effect of melatonin and pineal peptide preparation epithalamin on life span and free radical oxidation in Drosophila melanogaster. Mech Ageing Dev. 1997 Aug;97(2):81-91. doi: 10.1016/s0047-6374(97)01897-6. PMID: 9226628.
  9. Epithalamin/Epithalon. (2022). Retrieved 2 May 2022, from https://www.alzdiscovery.org/uploads/cognitive_vitality_media/Epithalamin-and-Epithalon-Cognitive-Vitality-For-Researchers.pdf
  10. Korkushko OV, Khavinson VKh, Shatilo VB, Antonyk-Sheglova IA. Peptide geroprotector from the pituitary gland inhibits rapid aging of elderly people: results of 15-year follow-up. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2011 Jul;151(3):366-9. English, Russian. doi: 10.1007/s10517-011-1332-x. PMID: 22451889.
  11. Khavinson VKh. Peptides and Ageing. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2002;23 Suppl 3:11-144. PMID: 12374906.
  12. Epithalon monograph final – peptidesociety.org. https://peptidesociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Epithalon-Monograph-Final.pdf (Accessed November 9, 2022).

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