Argireline Dosage Calculator and Chart | A-Z Guide

Last Updated February 15, 2024

 February 15, 2024

For researchers curious about the latest on Argireline dosage, our peptide research group has it covered. 

Acetyl hexapeptide-3 (Argireline) is the star ingredient in a number of cosmetic and anti-aging products available to the regular consumer. The peptide is also available to qualified researchers looking to explore its benefits, which include: 

  • Reducing wrinkle formation and signs of aging 
  • Boosting collagen production 
  • Hydrating the skin 

In this Argireline dosage calculator and guide, the peptide’s documented benefits, safety profile, and recommended dosages are all inside. Plus, we reveal our top pick of where to buy research-grade Argireline online.

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Argireline Dosage Chart | Quick Breakdown

Preparation Example Research Protocol Study Duration
Topical acetyl hexapeptide-3 cream Apply to intact skin topically twice daily At least 30 days

What is Argireline?

Argireline is a brand name for acetyl hexapeptide-3 (alternatively, acetyl hexapeptide-8), a registered trademark of Spanish cosmetics firm Lipotec. It is a synthetic peptide composed of a chain of six amino acids, typically included in anti-aging cosmetic products to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Argireline works by limiting the ability of neurotransmitters to activate movement in facial muscles, such as when one is smiling or frowning. By inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters that cause facial muscle contractions, the peptide limits subtle facial expressions and reduces wrinkle depth. Specifically, Argireline precludes the formation and stability of the protein complex needed for docking vesicles of acetylcholine release, without harming the subject even at high doses [1].

Argireline was borne out of the search for a less toxic variant of botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT), otherwise known as Botox, thus often called “Botox in a Bottle.” This moniker represents the key difference between Botox and Argireline, seeing as Botox has to be injected to penetrate the upper layer of skin. By contrast, the majority of Argireline-based products may be applied topically, and are not usually absorbed deep within the skin like Botox [2].

The effectiveness of an Argireline-based product will vary based on the formulation and purity of the constituent acetyl hexapeptide-3, among other factors. In a research setting, a 99% pure acetyl hexapeptide-3 topical cream is the gold standard.

argireline dosage

Argireline Benefits

Numerous studies have found that topical application of Argireline can produce a number of health and cosmetic benefits, leading to a more youthful and robust appearance in subjects.

Argireline for wrinkle reduction

Acetyl hexapeptide-3 has been shown in multiple studies to reduce the depth of wrinkles on the face, mainly in the lateral periorbital areas, which are typically prone to developing dynamic folds. For instance:

  • In a 2010 study involving 20 volunteers—ten with oily skin and ten with dry skin, researchers observed a clear reduction in wrinkle depth after just 24 hours of Argireline application. After one month of treatment, researchers noted reductions in wrinkle depth of up to 78.25% [3].
  • A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 60 female subjects assessing the safety and efficacy of topical hexapeptide showed a total antiwrinkle efficacy of 48.9% on the side treated with an 10% hexapeptide emulsion, compared with 0% efficacy for placebo [4].
  • In another study, ten female participants applied 10% acetyl hexapeptide-3 emulsion twice daily for 30 days. The subjects applied the test emulsion to one lateral periorbital region, and an emulsion without the hexapeptide to the contralateral side. Researchers noted a 30% decrease in wrinkle depth on the acetyl hexapeptide-3 side, compared with a 10% decrease on the non-treatment side [5].

Argireline for increased collagen production

Collagen is an essential protein that ensures that skin remains supple and can be stretched properly. In addition, collagen helps repair damage to the skin by promoting new cell production. However, as we age, collagen becomes fragmented, fibroblast function declines, and production slows [7].

A Chinese study conducted on aged rodents found that twice daily application of acetyl hexapeptide-3 for a six-week period resulted in an increase in type 1 collagen fibers [6]. This is a significant finding because increasing collagen fiber production can help maintain firmness in the skin and prevent sagging.

Argireline for skin hydration

Proper skin hydration allows for a more youthful and healthier appearance, as well as preventing effects of premature aging. But as the skin ages, its ability to remain plump and hydrated diminishes.

Argireline may combat this loss of hydration [5]. This was shown to be the case in one clinical trial involving fifty Korean female subjects, where acetyl hexapeptide-8 was applied to the face for four hours daily, for a period of 29 days. Data from the study showed statistically significant improvements in wrinkle reduction and skin hydration, with no serious adverse effects noted [8].

Argireline Side Effects

Researchers have conducted extensive study on acetyl hexapeptide-3 both as a standalone compound, as well as in conjunction with other cosmetic ingredients. The consensus to date is that Argireline is well-tolerated and produces no serious adverse effects [5, 8].

The topical form of Argireline possesses an insignificant amount of acute toxicity at ≥2000 mg/kg, compared to Botox type A (20 ng/kg). One study noted that Argireline did not exhibit in vivo oral toxicity nor primary irritation at high doses, representing strong evidence that this hexapeptide represents a biosafe alternative to BoNTs in cosmetics [8].

Argireline does not penetrate deep into the skin because it is a large, complex molecule. Researchers studying the skin penetration of Argireline applied an oil and water emulsion containing 10% Ac-EEMQRR-amide to subjects at a dose of 2 mg/cm2. After washing the skin surface to remove unabsorbed peptide, they found that the majority of Argireline was washed from the skin’s surface, with no hexapeptide metabolite detected in any layers [10].

Argireline Dosage Calculator and Guide

In this section, we'll be covering how an Argireline dosage can be administered.

Argireline Administration Notes

While topical research-grade acetyl hexapeptide-3 (Argireline Acetate) is the gold standard for Argireline research, researchers may wish to keep in mind that Argireline may be administered in a variety of other ways:

  • Some research indicates that administering an Argireline dosage via microneedling can offer greater efficacy for reducing wrinkles, as it enables the peptide to penetrate the skin [10].
  • Cosmetic manufacturers often combine a set Argireline dosage with hyaluronic acid to enhance skin hydration. One study suggests that it works well in conjunction with another peptide, tripeptide-10-citrulline, which increases the permeability for an Argireline dose to penetrate to a depth where it can target muscles that cause wrinkles [11].
  • Another study has demonstrated that Argireline in the form of cream is superior to a gel in regards to transdermal delivery [12].
  • Researchers looking to observe the hydrating and wrinkle-reducing effects of Argireline should avoid administering a solution containing alcohol to test subjects, as this can counteract Argireline’s hydrating function and cause dry skin.

Sample Argireline Dosage Protocol

For reference purposes, here is a sample Argireline dosage protocol that researchers may administer to subjects to observe wrinkle reduction effects:

  • Dosage: Apply a small quantity of topical Argireline, just enough to cover the target areas of the face with a thin layer of the peptide. A 10% emulsion usually delivers about 2mg of the peptide per cm2.
  • Frequency: Twice daily.
  • Study Duration: 30 days, or until desired outcome is achieved.
  • Notes: Spot test Argireline prior to applying it to a larger area of a subject’s skin. Do not apply to damaged skin (wounds, ulcers, etc.). One 200mg container of research-grade acetyl hexapeptide-3 typically suffices for a 30-day treatment course involving twice-daily application.

argireline dosage

Argireline Dosing | Verdict

While injectable neuromuscular blockers like Botox are often used to combat wrinkles and other superficial signs of aging, Argireline is a less invasive topical alternative, available both in skincare formulations as well as a standalone topical.

The peptide’s benefits are backed by extensive evidence and it appears to possess an excellent safety profile to date.

For researchers interested in cutting-edge skincare, Argireline is a worthy compound to study. It has been shown to promote collagen production and maintain skin hydration, and has also been claimed to rival the effectiveness of Botox as a method of reducing wrinkles.


  1. Blanes-Mira, C., Clemente, J., Jodas, G., Gil, A., Fernández-Ballester, G., Ponsati, B., Gutierrez, L., Pérez-Payá, E. and Ferrer-Montiel, A. (2002), A synthetic hexapeptide (Argireline) with antiwrinkle activity. International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 24: 303-310.
  2. Tadini, K. A., Mercurio, D. G., & Campos, P. M. B. G. M. (n.d.). Acetyl hexapeptide-3 in a cosmetic formulation acts on skin mechanical properties – clinical study. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Retrieved June 26, 2022, from
  3. Ruiz Martínez, M.A.;[et. al]. Evaluation of the anti-wrinkle efficacy of cosmetic formulations with an anti-aging peptide (Argireline®). Ars Pharm, 2010, Vol.50 nº 4; 168-176.[]
  4. Wang Y, Wang M, Xiao S, Pan P, Li P, Huo J. The anti-wrinkle efficacy of argireline, a synthetic hexapeptide, in Chinese subjects: a randomized, placebo-controlled study. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2013;14(2):147-153. doi:10.1007/s40257-013-0009-9
  5. Gorouhi, F. and Maibach, H.I. (2009), Role of topical peptides in preventing or treating aged skin. International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 31: 327-345.
  6. Wang Y, Wang M, Xiao XS, Huo J, Zhang WD. The anti-wrinkle efficacy of Argireline. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2013;15(4):237-241. doi:10.3109/14764172.2013.769273
  7. Wu M, Cronin K, Crane JS. Biochemistry, Collagen Synthesis. [Updated 2021 Sep 13]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:
  8. An JH, Lee HJ, Yoon MS, Kim DH. Anti-wrinkle efficacy of cross-linked hyaluronic acid-based microneedle patch with Acetyl hexapeptide-8 and epidermal growth factor on Korean skin. Ann Dermatol. 2019;31(3):263-271. doi:10.5021/ad.2019.31.3.263
  9. In vitro skin penetration of acetyl hexapeptide-8 from a cosmetic formulation. Taylor & Francis. (n.d.). Retrieved June 26, 2022, from
  10. Zhang, S., Qiu, Y., & Gao, Y. (2014, January 24). Enhanced delivery of hydrophilic peptides in vitro by transdermal Microneedle Pretreatment. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. Retrieved August 2, 2022, from
  11. Raikou, V, Varvaresou, A, Panderi, I, Papageorgiou, E. The efficacy study of the combination of tripeptide-10-citrulline and acetyl hexapeptide-3. A prospective, randomized controlled study. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2017; 16: 271– 278. doi:10.1111/jocd.12314.
  12. Lim SH, Sun Y, Thiruvallur Madanagopal T, Rosa V, Kang L. Enhanced Skin Permeation of Anti-wrinkle Peptides via Molecular Modification [published correction appears in Sci Rep. 2018 Apr 20;8(1):6500]. Sci Rep. 2018;8(1):1596. Published 2018 Jan 25. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-18454-z

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David Warmflash, M.D.

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